Friday 30 March 2018

One Man & His Dog

Erm...that’s all there is to say really.

When I last used my 7TV cultists, in a game against Mystery Incorporated, Matt, who was using the cultists, complained that the unit card said he could include a dog handler, but I didn’t have one.

And so, I bought one.

It’s been nice to do another if the cultists from Crooked Dice, as they were the my first completed cast last year. They are wonderfully simple models and quick to paint. I may have to add the female cultists at some point.

And there we have something else removed from the painting desk, although painting the dog did give me an idea about something else, and so I’ve actually added another two models to the queue.

Technically, this is a zero progress post. Hmmm...


  1. zero progress but 100% awesome, love that doggo!

    1. Thanks, I’m quite pleased with him. I now have more dogs to do for another game.

  2. Awesome Kieron dogs are useful for those knockdowns

    1. I’ve not actually looked at the card yet.

  3. If that's zero progress, I must be going backwards! ;-)
    Excellent work on the cultist and his 'best friend' Kieron, and Happy Easter!
