Sunday 30 June 2024

Powered Rangers

After playing my way through Fallout 3, it became apparent that one of the things missing from my growing collection of miniatures was some robots. Specifically I wanted to add some Protectrons to the range of threats that can be found wandering the wastes.

These are a set of 3d printed models I picked up from Twisted Pinnacle Games' Etsy store for the princely sum of...well, go and see for yourself. However, it's safe to say that you could get a fair number of them for the same price as one of the Modiphius boxes.

Why did I not get the officially Modiphius models? Well, cost is one thing; the Modiphius Protectrons are significantly more expensive.

The other issue is that the basic Protectrons are in a box with Assaultrons, which I didn't want. The Protectron Workers don't have this issue, but I actually didn't know they existed until Id already bought the 3d prints.

There is a question around supporting a company by buying their products, however, I don't think I'd ever actually get round to buying the Protectrons direct, I'd more likely spend on adding to my four factions forces.

Also, I've handed over a good chunk of cash to Modiphius in the last month, so I feel I'm doing my bit.

The sculpts of these five models are a bit static, but as the clunky robots there are, I don't see this as a problem. They are also not as detailed as the official models I've painted, but they are detailed enough for me.

There were a bit of a problem to clip off their slotta tabs, which actually led to a couple of legs snapping. However, resin is incredibly easy to fix. On the other hand, I didn't spend enough time cleaning the support points off the models, so they are a bit rough and ready in place.

For painting, I went with an undercoat of Grey Seer with a suitable contrast paint base coat, except for the Army Protectron, which got a base coat and wash. The Police and Construction Protectrons later got a a base coat added as the contrast was patchy.

The metallic parts were painted, black bits were done with Black Templar and then both were washed in Agrax Earthshade to make them look grubby.

After that, the details specific to each robot were done one at a time, usually these details were raised enough to pick out easily, but the army star is a transfer.

Before basing, the paintwork was sponged with silver to provide chipping, and glass parts were given a coat of gloss varnish.

All in all I'm really quite pleased with them and when I actually get round to playing games they will add some welcome colour (both literally and figuratively) to my tabletop.

In other news, I've reclaimed a few Space Marines I'd given away ready for my Badab War project. This sounds like odd behaviour, but I'd given them to Matt without him asking, and he had no plans to use them (I checked). 

Acquired: -71
Painted: 284
Lead Mountain: 692


  1. Great brushwork on these 3D prints, and the a great variety of character between them all.

  2. Those are nice models. The painting is great and the static poses work fine considering how they move in the game. They look right for Fallout.

    1. Thanks. I think of all the robots, these suit static poses the best.
