Sunday 9 June 2019

Warlords Of The Land That Time Forgot At The Earth’s Core

I’ve finally finished some painting.

I’ve been out of sorts for about a month and not really been in the mood to paint. There’s been a variety of causes but most of this batch of figures have been in my painting queue for quite some time. However, I’ve been spurred into getting them finished by the impending arrival of 7TV: Pulp.

First up is the T-Rex I picked up at Chillcon in February. It’s from Wizkids’ Nolzur’s Marvellous Miniatures line of unpainted, pre-primed plastic miniatures. They are really inexpensive given the size of the model (I got mine for about £12).

It’s a really nice sculpt with a very good level of detail. There were a couple of gaps to fill, especially around the tail (which came separate), which also needed some work to make it fit properly. The sharper points, like the teeth, lose a little because of the material, and there were some mould lines (some of which I missed), which were easy enough to remove.

All in all, I’d really recommend this line, and I’ll definitely be picking up their Triceratops at some point. However, I want to explore the range properly to see what I can use.

The other miniatures are from Antediluvian Miniatures and more than resemble the bad guys from one of my favourite films when I was younger, ‘Warlords of Atlantis.’

Atmir, the leader, was tricky to paint because his costume is so pale, with it largely being white and silver. I’m also not overly pleased with the face, but I’ve decided to leave it ether than keep adding layers of paint.

The Guardians looked easier to do than they were, and I think I made a mistake by undercoating in black instead of my usual pale grey. It had an effect in the skin which I didn’t like and so I ended up doing it twice.

I’m pleased to have got them done though, as I  was beginning to get frustrated at my lack of progress. These seven models also have a positive effect on my current painting tallies, although this is undermined by me picking up four LotR models:

Acquired: 72
Painted: 57

I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on the 7TV Pulp box as it’s arguably more up my street than the Apocalypse set (excellent as it is) and I’ve go dozens of ideas of mini projects to do.


  1. Cool additions to your pulp stuff Kieron. :)

  2. Nice work. I was considering the Reaper T rex myself but these are stocked by Waylands Forge so will be more convention pick up.

    Love the Atlantis minis. They are kn my to get list at some point with all the other adventurers.

    1. It’s a really good model and I definitely prefer the material it’s made from to Reaper Bones.

  3. these look great. love how the TRex came out. really wanna pick up one of those. great work!

    1. Thanks. It’s relatively simple to make look good too.

  4. Absolutely wonderful! I love the idea of the project, can't wait to see more.

    1. Thanks. It’s been bubbling along slowly for some time. Souls speed up now 7TV: Pulp is imminently arriving.

  5. I'd forgotten that film. Smashing jobs on the figures.

    1. Thanks. It’s the sort of film that wouldn’t get made now as the audience has become too cynical. It’s a shame.

  6. Great stuff as usual Kieron! Like you, looking forward to seeing the 7TV Pulp box đŸ™‚
    *actually just watched the MST3K version of 'The Land That Time Forgot' last month, hilarious!*

    1. I’ve got the ‘Doug McClure Collection’. 3 films’ worth of cinematic gold.

  7. Nice job overall. I agree that a grey primer is best for skin tones although white or pink sometimes work too.

    1. I came to grey by accident. I spent years battling with black and white, although I sometime prime in the base colour too because I’m lazy.

  8. These are some amazing additions, really Loving the Pulp vibe on all of them, I guess it's more up my alley than historical Wargaming.
    Great job on that T-Rex in particular and I look forward to see more animals that time forgot.

    As for the black undercoat, it's something I used to do a few years back but aside from terrain it's all grey and white these days. Far easier to work on than black.

    1. Thanks. I actually wanted to get the T-Rex originally for that Marvel solo campaign I need to get back to, but you know how these things spiral out of control...I’m no building an entire lost world.

  9. Oh my god... I saw this movie when I was a kid. I loved it, but I didn't think of it for ages. Thanks for reminding me with those beautiful miniatures!

    1. No worries, although returning to the movie later you realise how thin the plot is.

  10. Awesome work on the T-Rex. I wanted to get mine done in May (Monster Month over at my place), but real life annoyingly got in the way. I like the green palette you used. I was considering an olive/brown scheme myself, but I may have to reconsider considering how good yours looks.

    1. Thanks. I didn’t do anything fancy with it. Just a base, wash and drybrush. I chickened out of anything more fancy.
