I've sold my soul to the ruinous powers and am embarking on a quest that will see me achieve apotheosis or consigned to oblivion.
As with so many who.have tried this treacherous path, my journey begins with the humble Chaos Thugs (Marauders), mere pawns of the dark gods seeking their favour through slaughter.
My personal path of damnation will see me building a Chaos army for Warhammer: The Old World using only what I already own. I've no idea whether this will create an effective force, but that's not really the point.
My main aims are threefold:
- Use the Chaos miniatures I own in a creative way;
- Try to be a bit more creative with my painting and modelling;
- Aim to emulate some of the style of the Realms of Chaos: the Lost and the Damned book, which I feel typifies how I see Chaos in Warhammer.
The final model in the group is Ironhand the Mighty from the simply titled Heroes for Dungeonquest expansion Dungeonquest board game released in 1987. I have several others from this set which will be finding their way into my army.
He actually is a gladiator and so fits right in with the other Thugs. I think he was meant to be some sort of half-ogre because the dimensions of his head are even more out of proportion than othe miniatures of this time.
To my mind, he's already begun to receive rewards from Nurgle, his blessing marked out by the massive boil on his buttock.
And so my journey down the dark path has begun.
I feel that I've done a decent job of capturing the aesthetic of the Les Edwards art work, but I'm not totally pleased with the skin and so will try to work on this as I progress. I'm pleased with the basing scheme as it's effective and easy to do.
This chaotic assault on Lead Mountain is part of a two-pronged attack which has seen me selling on a few more miniatures. This time it was some Empire Halflings who's gate was sealed last year when I conscripted my Advanced Heroquest Men-at-Arms into my Bretonnian army rather than start the Imperial force I've always threatened to begin.
Painted: 22
Lead Mountain: 608