Monday 19 February 2018

He-Month: The Main Minion

I know during He-Month, I’m supposed to be posting something each weekend, but I was away until lunchtime yesterday, and despite finishing this week’s model yesterday, the light had gone and I wasn’t able to get a decent picture.

So, with excuses for being late out of the way, here’s the quintessential henchman, Beast Man!

This is the last of the Quest Minis (for now) and it’s the only one to come as a single piece sculpt.

I was initially thinking of painting Beast Man in the more subdued colours of the 2002 cartoon version, but a flurry of activity on the MotU Gaming Facebook group gave me the confidence that I could make the hideous combination of bright orange, royal blue and scarlet work, and actually, I think I have.

The eyes were a bit fortunate as the character needs blue below the eyes, and I messed them up the first time round. I decided on the second go to not bother with pupils, as that’s the bits I messed up, however, by complet chance, the pupils I’d messed up, appear just below the whites I’d put in...essentially producing eyes better than I could have done on purpose.

For the base, I decided to do something a little different and place Beast Man in something akin to jungle terrain. A bit of twig (painted to look like...erm...wood), some GW ivy (which I only found again recently after buying it years ago) and a good amount of lichen jammed in, does the trick.

The only slight doubt is the new lichen I bought in York is a little bit vivid. It’s not a problem here mixed in with the remnants of my old stuff, but I might need to be careful when I return to doing jungle terrain, to try to keep things similar to what I’ve already done.


  1. Marvellous paint-job, Kieron, with the orange and blue really standing out from one another :-)

  2. That looks better than it really has any right to. Excellent work!

    1. Thanks. I know what you mean - it should be a visual train wreck.

  3. Stunning job mate. I think this is my favourite out of them all.

    1. Thanks. For me it’s narrowly behind Man-at-Arms asi always liked Beast Man and knew I’d like this. I was never a fan of the Man-at-Arns colours, but it worked out well.

  4. Excellent work, and possibly your best of a great bunch Kieron. Superb. :)

    1. Thanks. I think I put more different layers on the orange than I’ve ever done with anything.

  5. Great brush work Kieron, the vivid lichen works well in this case but I can see why you’d need to use it with caution. Alien jungle flora me thinks ;-)

    1. I’ve now had a look in comparison with the scenary I did and the terrain I’ve got planned will have to go on hold until I can get some darker lichen.
