Sunday 2 June 2024

Bells and Whistles

Not an amazingly exciting post, just me finishing off the two units of Clanrats by providing them with their command models.

Also, I'm taking my first pictures using the Jon Hodgson Sci-Fi Backdrops book I picked up yesterday.

I went for the Sci-Fi Backdrops book as this one had a few pictures that will work fine for fantasy and historical miniatures (such as the one pictured), whereas the Fantasy Backdrops book had nothing that would work for more modern or futuristic urban settings.

I probably need to work on how I light my images, but this should also liberate me from being dependent on getting the right light and dry weather in the garden, an also will bring a bit more narrative to my photos.

The Skaven have been done is exactly the same way that I did the rest of the Clanrats...quickly.

However as these Advanced Heroquest models are monopose, I did have to put a bit of work into making the standard bearers and musicians, which ultimately boiled down to doing hand and weapon swaps (fortunately, Skaven musicians use bells on sticks).

The tricky bit with the standard bearers was to do a hand swap that also angled the banner upwards, however I managed to make it work, and the flags are printable ones I found online and gave a wash of Nazdreg Yellow, which turned out a bit dark.

However, you may have spotted that I'm not massively fussed about any of this project being perfect.

The unit champions are actually newer models than the rest of their units, they are from Warhammer Quest, which was released in 1995, but I think the models were released a couple of years earlier.

Being more heavily armoured and stood slightly taller they make for pretty good champions in these ancient units.

I definitely have at least ten more Clanrats to bring one of these two units up to twenty, but my next stop in this project will be something a bit more exciting, which I can take a bit more time over.

Acquired: -87
Painted: 273
Lead Mountain: 690


  1. Excellent command group for your rats, and really like the backdrop, may have to check that out.

    1. I'd suggest the Sci-Fi one is more versatile, but the Fantasy one would work for historical too.
