Sunday, 6 January 2013

New Year, New Approach

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know that this isn't my first post of the year, but that one was actually a holdover from December.

So a new year and new resolutions are upon us and so, in keeping with the season, I'm going to make a few resolutions about this here blog.

  1. I shall post at least once a week. I used to manage this, however in recent times I've been struggling. Reasons are many and varied, and not a little dull so I won't bore you. Suffice to say, I need to make some time for this.
  2. I shall spruce up the site. You may have noticed that this has begun already. I need to probably add a decent picture to the header and endeavour to make things more visually appealing and relevant.
  3. I shall improve my photography. This means locating my camera and using that instead of my phone, or simply taking more time over the composition and lighting of the shots I take.
  4. I shall cut back on the battle reports. I do like writing these, but I feel that they became a chore and are one of the reasons for me not posting as often as I used to. I'll still do reports for VBCW and other games beyond the regular pick up games at the club and I'll happily keep my legions of fans updated with results, but I'm no longer going into detail about every single game I have.
  5. I'm bringing back the progress targets. Although the Tale of Gamers seemed to fizzle out, I'm going to reinstate my setting of targets as means of motivating myself to get some painting done. If I can persuade previous ToG's to get back to this I will as both Matt and Aneurin have recently returned to their bligs and so perhaps we can kick things off again.
So on that note here are my targets for January:
  • Paint and base my new Bloodbowl team - the Mushington Redcaps. That's 15 Mini-Mushroom Men (Halflings) and 2 Big Mushroom Men (Treemen) and three counters for score, re-rolls and turn number.
Given that the club's league begins in February, if I fail to get this done, I'll start incurring penalties and losing half of my league points, which as a Halfling team could actually put me into minus figures!

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