Wednesday, 27 July 2016

I'm The Best There Is At What I Do...

...and what I do isn't very expensive!

Getting back in the painting groove with the fifth member of my Avengers team for the Marvel Universe Miniatures Game: Wolverine!

Familiar to everyone and their sister, Wolverine, a.k.a. Logan, is the pint-sized, adamantium-clawed, regenerating mutant that features in all of the X-Men series of movies, even though his ageing process doesn't tally with any of the timings of the movie.

I've done him in has famous yellow spandex outfit, and I was really pleased with how I'd done, until I took these pictures and they revealed how rough the yellow is, and how much I've stuffed up in different places. Having said that, I won't be changing him, as he looks fine to the naked eye (or at least my naked eye).

This brings my Avengers up to 38 points, which annoyingly means that I can't fit them all in when I get round to repainting my Hulk, who adds a further 17 points. To be able to use all of the models I've painted, I'll have to get a few more models to offer alternate team builds.

I've also been painting some simple scenery.

An air-con unit from TT Combat. Easy to put together and easy to paint.


A skip from Fenris Games. I've left this one empty, but I'll be doing something a bit more interestin when I do the other one in order to cover up a little bit of miscasting.

Some jersey barriers from Reaper Bones. I bought these to try out the Bones range as I normally really like Reaper Miniatures, but found them somewhat lacking in detail and a bit warped. I won't be investing heavily in more Bones figures, but at £2.50 for two, I'm not complaining. They'll do.

 All of the above provide simple items for my heroes to chuck at people in the Marvel game. They'll also provide more cover in BMG and 7TV.


  1. Fabulous! Like that air-con unit too.

    1. Thanks. It comes as a pack of three with a water tower and a fire escape to add a bit of variety to rooftops. Not very expensive either.

  2. I think Wolverine looks splendid, well done. :)

    The scatter terrain looks great too. :)

    1. Thanks. The terrain is nice and generic too, which is useful. Not branded with DC specific logos.

  3. I'm never too sure about Wolverines yellow spandex outfit!

    Like the aircon unit!

    1. Neither am I. But I've done enough black and grey models and wanted to not bottle it.

  4. Cracking looking paintwork on Wolverine mate.

    1. Thanks, but it doesn't stand up to too close inspection. Fortunately, they're meant to be seen from two feet away not three inches.

  5. Awesome work on Logan. Liking all the terrain as well the Jersey barriers look good to me. Especially for £2.50!

    1. They have fairly chunky mould lines along the centre and are noticeably warped (a bit too much for concrete). However, at that price, I'm not worried.
