Tuesday 29 December 2015

The Race to Berlin

Happy Christmas!

Yes, I know it's a bit late, but I've been somewhat busy of late, and have had neither the time nor the motivation to paint or blog for most of December. However, with the big day out of the way (not a massive haul of goodies this year, just a couple of DZC blisters, a Penguin crew for BMG and an expansion for Blood Bowl Team manager), it was time for our annual Christmas Fun Day, and for a second year in a row we opted to go for a massive game of Bolt Action.

This year, I'd be wheeling my Soviets out alongside Wes and his Americans, against the combined German forces of Pete and Matt. We decided to play with 1500 points each, on and 8x4 table, with The Germans defending the centre against an attack on two fronts down the length of the table.

With the requirement to field 1500 points, and the city of Berlin, I needed to break out the brushes to finish off two armour vehicles that I'd previously undercoated, and two of Sarissa Precision's excellent industrial buildings.

The first vehicle is a resin SU-76 self-propelled gun. Packing a light howitzer, this open-topped little vehicle was bought mainly to allow me to use the optional rule which permits me to take an inexperienced SU-76 instead of my usual free rifle squad. Annoyingly, I've managed to misplace to crew somewhere, so it's currently without anybody to man the gun...which might explain its performance in the game today... 

The second vehicle is a proper tank, a T-34/85, technically the same tank as I already own, just with a bigger gun. In recent months, both Pete and Matt have up-armoured their Germans, and so a little bit more penetration was required. However, I mainly bought this as Pete and I were goading each other to spend money a the Derby Wargames show and buying the T-34 was required to make him buy a Cromwell for his British.

Happily, I now have enough armoured vehicles to play a Tank War game in 28mm. Unfortunately, my eagerness for such an encounter might be somewhat tempered by events that happened today.

So the forces lined up:

  • My Soviets - Berlin Army Selector: featuring 2 T-34's, an SU-76, Tank Riders, Tough Fighters, Regulars and Inexperienced cannon-fodder.
  • Wes's Americans - Operation Cobra Army Selector: featuring Veteran Infantry riding in Half-Tracks, a Sherman tank and Air Support (in theory).
  • Matt's Germans - Last Levy Army Selector: featuring Inexperienced Volkssturm, Veteran Grenadiers, a Puma and a Veteran Panther!
  • Pete's Germans - Battle of the Bulge Army Selector: featuring the SS, Regular Grenadiers, a Panzer II Luchs and a Tiger!

Yes, you read that correctly. Our medium tanks would be facing off against both a Tiger and a Panther with only one heavy gun between them...

Here's table, as seen from the end I would be attacking. My goal would be to reach the road crossing the middle of the table before the end of turn six. Yes, I know it doesn't look exactly like Berlin in 1945, but we were quite proud of it.

Here's the end that Wes would be advancing up...at least that was the plan...

Abd here's the German deployment. That's an awful lot of armour in there, and there's infantry in pretty much every building in the shot, including an MMG in the bunker.

I just want to draw your attention this apparently insignificant unit of 8 inexperienced Volkssturm manning a makeshift barricade of chairs and tables. It doesn't look much...

The game began under cover of night, with a preparatory bombardment of the German positions, which threw pins all over the place. Pete being Pete decided that the best form of defence was attack and threw a half-track full of SS down towards my deployment, providing my T-34/85 with its first kill, forcing the SS to dismount and get shot up over two turns and them assaulted by my Tough Fighting Veterans. Pete's opinion is that this held me up, but I suspect that this speed bump might have been more effective further up the road.

An yes, we're in a building. The road didn't reach the edge of the table, so we decided to use this warehouse as a covered bridge of sorts.

My infantry made headway towards the central barricades under cover of darkness.

Over on my right, another assault force massed behind the T-34/76 and Tank Riders.

My Scouts in forward positions took fire from the Puma which was to be a thorn in my side. The Scouts dug in behind the cart, and although the NCO would survive the game, they were never able to shake enough pins to get moving forwards.

Meanwhile, the German forces spent most of the first turn trying to rally themselves and remove pins. You can just about see that Volkssturm squad behind the barricade.

Over on the Western Front the U.S. Half-Tracks rolled forwards and disgorged their passengers into the alleyways around the houses, whilst the Sherman moved up in support.

However, the Germans were waiting...

On turn two, the sun came up and all hell broke loose. My T-34/76 opened fire of the Puma and missed, but was immobilised in return, rendering it little more than a machine gun turret for the rest of the game.

My infantry and gun teams got into position to blaze away down the street at the barricades, and that measly unit of Volkssturm behind them.

My T-34/85 advanced into the teeth of the Tiger and the Panther. It failed to hit the Panther, but managed to machine-gun some infantry. Inexplicably, the Russian tank managed to survive out in the open as the Panther failed it's orders test (for the second time) and the Tiger missed!

I've included this picture, purely to prove that the SU-76 was on the table, as it did absolutely nothing worthy of note all game. In inexperienced direct fire artillery piece is really neither use nor ornament. (I know that the dice on top of the building says three, but these pictures were taken at the end of turn two.)

Having realised that I was making faster progress than predicted, the German Infantrys began to move to oppose my advance.

Over on the other front, the Germans began to pour fire on the hapless Americans, who couldn't seem to hit a barn door with their shooting. The Panzer II knocked out the rear Half-Track forcing it's passengers into the street, where they were pinned down and shot to pieces by the SS.

By the end of Turn three, casualties had begun to mount, and I was poised, ready for a big push against my right flank, helped by the fact that the immobile T-34 provided enough of a threat to make Matt not push his luck and move the Puma to a less exposed position.

The centre had already been the scene of carnage, with assault and counter assault inside the warehouse, but the plucky Volkssturn were still in postions, despite numerous attempts to dislodge them with everything from rifle fire to mortar bombardment.

Recognising the fragility of the unit, the Germans brought up reserve units to bolster the barricades.

On the right, the T-34/85's luck ran out and the Tiger found it's mark. However, the Panther once again failed to do anything.

Meanwhile, in a run of atrocious luck, Wes was unable to call in air support, was still unable to cause any real damage, and took withering fire from the dug in Germans.

On turn four, the assaults began. The Tank Riders took out a Volkssturm unit before falling back into cover, and were supported by the advancing Rifle Squad.

The on LMG squad in the centre assaulted out of the warehouse to destroy a German mortar, then consolidated into one of the central houses, only to be assaulted themselves and cut down to a man. Meanwhile, the other LMG squad edged up shooting at the Volkssturm on the barricade to little effect.

On the left, the Tough Fighters used the Truck as cover from the finally mobile Panther, but needn't have worried as the Truck proved impervious to the Panther's fire.

The Panzer II was able to get inbetween the U.S. forces, and even survived a couple of assaults. The Americans continued to wither under fire. I think Wes was officially beginning to not enjoy the game at this point.

The Puma and Sherman had sparred ineffectually over the previous few turns, but the Sherman had the last laugh and destroyed the Puma as it advanced on the centre.

By the end of turn five, there had been more assaults, further bombardment and even some friendly fire, but when the smoke cleared, the Volkssturm were somehow still holding their flimsy barricade.

On the right, I'd driven the Germans away from the fence, but at a heavy cost in lives. Very Soviet.

With the exception of the Sherman, the American assault pretty much petered out, and the big cats were on the hunt. With no Americans to worry about, the Germans were beginning to move reinforcements to face my shattered command.

In all honesty, the Germans had probably won. Wes's  command was gone and mine was ragged or ineffectual (SU-76, I'm looking at you). There had been quite a high attrition rate in the German forces, but not enough to break them. It had looked ropey at times, and a bit more luck with my artillery would probably have made the difference. At my end of the table it was pretty much a stalemate, however, the atrocious luck the Wes suffered meant that there were still a couple of fairly fresh German units to throw into the fray.

I'm still not convinced that the scenarios in Bolt Action where one side has to attack across the table are all that balanced, as I don't think I've ever seen the attacker win. I knew this game would be hard, but more importantly, it was fun, and it felt 'right' for what we were trying to achieve. The Germans had stopped us today, but with the casualties they'd taken, tomorrow would be a different story - and that, I suppose, is the bit that wargames miss.

All in all, it was a cracking 5 hour game, and a great way to end the year.

I'll be back over the next few days to review my blogging year and look forward to the next one. If I don't post before Thursday, Happy New Year!

Sunday 29 November 2015

Assembling the Avengers

With the successful completion of a cell of Hydra terrorists, some heroes were desperately needed to prevent their nefarious schemes for world domination. So, like a one-eyed super-spy, I set about assembling the Avengers!

Enter Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, She-Hulk, Spider-Woman and...erm...Speed. Admittedly, it's not exactly the line-up from the movies, but my Avengers do all have pedigree as part of the team (or in one case, the Young Avengers).

My Spider-Woman is made from a Reaper Miniature from their Chronoscope line. The model makes for a good unofficial Spider-Woman model, although she shouldn't have her mouth covered, and probably has too much hair, but I like it. I'm quite pleased with the black and yellow detailing I've done on the suit. There's also plenty of gaming potential with this model as Spider-Woman has actually been a SHIELD-HYDRA triple agent, whilst at the same time being a Skrull infiltrator.

She-Hulk is another Reaper Chronoscope miniature, made from the appropriately named 'Incredible Woman'. Her costume is not exactly right, but I didn't want to use too much white on the model, so I kept it to her collar and cuffs...ahem...

On a separate note, this model stands significantly taller than most 28mm miniatures, and so would scale well with KM's 35mm miniatures and would be usable as a who range of female heroes and villans for whole their aren't currently models in BMG or SMG.

Black Widow, is my third Reaper figure. This one is Natalia, female secret agent - you'd be forgiven for thinking that Reaper have deliberately based this miniature on Black Widow, whose real name is Natasha. In my opinion this is a better, more dynamic pose than the official KM Black Widow miniature, and on that subject, I can highly recommend Reaper Miniatures. The castings and sculpting is excellent. What's more, the miniatures are all single piece. I just wish Reaper was more available in the UK.

Hawkeye, Iron Man and Speed have featured on the blog before and have been re-based. Hawkeye and Iron Man are from Crossover Miniatures, and although I've previously been very happy with them, these two are a bit clunky, and Iron Man is a bit small. There's a Reaper model that will make fore a better Iron Man that I might get, and I may have a go at putting together a more modern looking Hawkeye from my Wargames Factory survivors.

Speed is a Heroclix model. Technically, the model is Kid Flash, a DC character, but you'd be surprised at how similar DC and Marvel characters are sometimes.

I have a few other heroes to add to my Avengers, before I move on to other super teams that I've collected models for.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Keep Calm and Hail Hydra

Just when you thought I'd gone for good, I return stronger than before!
Apologies for the hiatus. We've been having our kitchen and dining room knocked through and done up, so the house has been a bit of a mess and I've not really had the space or time to get any painting done.
Anyway, remember some time ago, I began to work on a Marvel project using miniatures from a range of manufacturers? Well, Batman happened. Along with Operation Unthinkable, and a range of other projects I've just not had the motivation to get anything done.
Until now.
Knight Models have announce that they are releasing a Spider-Man Miniatures Game using the same mechanics as BMG, and the intial four factions will be: Spider-Man (and his Amazing Friends...that's not the official faction title, but in my head it is), Goblin Cult, S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA.
Guess who's got a Hydra gang all ready and waiting to go?
So, this week, I set about rebasing the models I'd already done, and painting up my four remaining Hydra goons. Apologies, once again for the quality of the photos; I'm still having trouble fnding a way to get decent pictures from my phone.
I've not done anything special with them as I like to keep block colours on my comic book stuff as I like the fact that (to me at least) it captures the four colour feel of the genre. I've switched the bases from 20mm flat bases to 30mm bevelled bases. Primarily this is to make them compatible with the SMG (I like that abbreviation), however, I've grown to prefer the bevelled bases for skirmish games. You'll also notice that I've gone for static grass on the bases. This is mainly to mask the raised bases on some of the miniatures and although it doesn't really match the urban environments many of them will be used in, the separation of the bevelled bases tends to make this not really matter.

The leaders. Red Skull is from 'What The?' Miniatures, a really small scale miniature company, with a tiny range of Weird War II sculpts. They used to have a not-Captain America and Bucky available, but they clearly had some form of C&D from Marvel about it as he's no longer available. Fortunately, the unpainted 'Herr Totenkopf' looks like any number of skull-headed villains in popular culture and is still present in the store. Madame Hydra/Viper has been made using the Wargames Factory Female Apocalypse Survivors plastic kit. I may end up replacing her with a better model, but she'll do for now. Finally, Wrecker has been converted from 'Ram Jam' from Crossover Miniatures. Even though Crossover provide alternate heads for their models, I needed to file off the horns from one of the options and drill a hole in the hand for his crowbar. I'm aware that Wrecker isn't actually part of Hydra, but my thinking is that he's exactly the sort of hired muscle they'd make use of.

The Hydra Goons are Paramilitary Goons from Crossover Miniatures too. They are clearly sculpted to emulate the classic Hydra costumes, but are generic enough to be argued as any type of minion. Crossover also do heavy weapons goons, a goon officer, a female goon and a surrendering goon (which might possibly be a nod to Bob, Deadpool's sidekick), which all might find themselves added to my cell in time.
So now I have a fully painted and based Hydra crew for SMG. I know that not only are there no rules for any Hydra forces yet, and it's entirely likely that the Hydra henchmen in the game will have more varied weaponary. What's more, I've no idea whether Red Skull or Viper will make an appearance, but they're both likely. However, even if I can't use these models for SMG, I've also worked out that they make a handy 30 ratings cast for 7TV, so they are destined to hit the table at some point.
All I need now are some heroes to stop Hydra's nefarious plans. I'd better get assembling...

Sunday 1 November 2015

The Long Halloween - Event Report

Yesterday I attended the Long Halloween Batman Miniatures event at Holmfirth Gaming Centre. Organised by Animosity Wargaming, this was organised differently from the usual tournament format, and was instead a narrative campaign in which two teams battled for control of Gotham.

The teams were organised as follows:

Law & Order
Batman Crew
Law Crew led by Batgirl
Law Crew led by Commissioner Gordon
Green Arrow Crew
Green Arrow Crew led by Speedy

Rogues' Gallery
Two Face Crew
Black Mask Crew
Poison Ivy Crew
Bane Crew
Evil Arrow Crew

One of the best things about the event was that it was another chance to play on some of the amazing boards that I saw at the Worldwide Tournament in Nottingham. Each board represented a specific location, and winning granted a bonus to your team in the next game based on the board; for example, winning in the Bat Cave granted a single model the Bat-Claw rule.

The Bat Cave
Gotham Rogues' Stadium
The Shipyards
Gotham Zoo
Crime Alley
A.C.E. Chemicals
Wayne Tower
G.C.P.D. Headquarters
Rather than give a detailed report of each game I played, I'm just going to give edited highlights. In addition to regular rules, there were bonus Long Halloween objectives which were worth 2VP per round positioned in the centre of each board.

Game 1 - Poison Ivy vs Green Arrow (Andy)

Reputation: 200
Scenario: Chance Encounter
Board: A.C.E. Chemicals

Poison Ivy Crew
Poison Ivy (Comics)
Mr Freeze
Prisoner 1 (Tube)
Pavilion A Lunatic
Spore Plant

Green Arrow Crew
Arrow (TV)
Male Cop x2
Female Cop

Random deployment saw an early rush for objectives.
Most of the police arrive together, away from my big hitters.
Arrow turns up an shoots Ivy, who fails to dodge.
Spore plant pops up an rains fire down on cops who were trying to solve riddles. 
Ivy and Freeze went after Arrow, hurting him.
He fled, and shot Ivy again!
The police grab ammo and rack up points, whilst a Lunatic heads to the sewers.
Arrow heads for the Long Halloween objective and is almost killed by a plant!
Arrow faces foliage, Tube Prisoner scores Titan, Freeze looks for someone to kill. 
Already injured, Ivy gets ambushed by cops and manages to get herself arrested.
Freeze finds someone to kill...but fails...
The Lunatic uses the sewers to contest the Long Halloween objective.
An ineffectual shoving match sees nobody pushed into the vat below.
Freeze settles for denying the enemy VPs.
The final score was 34-21 to Andy, with the key difference being the arrest of Ivy. I was perhaps a little unfortunate in where my crew turned up in relation to both the scoring objectives and the Cops, who I would have been able to hurt more effectively than Arrow, however Andy did pretty much exactly the right things in how he went about the game and used his Cops to score points. If there was an error in my game it was sending an injured Ivy to deal with the police on her own. Had I sent Freeze in her place, or with her, the score might have ended up being draw. However, I didn't, so I lost.

Following the first game, it was revealed that the player who held the Long Halloween objective at the end of the game would get to 'be the Batman' and have a whack at a pumpkin piñata with a baseball bat whilst blindfolded - there might have been some health and safety infringements here.

As Andy and I had contested the objective, we got to bob for apples instead. I actually managed to get an apple, but it wasn't a prize winning one.

Game 2 - Poison Ivy vs Batman (Chris)

Reputation: 250
Scenario: Patrol
Board: Crime Alley

Poison Ivy Crew
Poison Ivy (Comics)
Mr Freeze
Prisoner 1 (Tube)
Prisoner 2 (Big Stikka)
Prisoner 4 (Bodyguard)
Pavilion A Lunatic
Spore Plant

Batman Crew
Batman (Arkham City)

The crews face each other down a looong street.
Ivy and her crew begin the long walk towards the objectives.
Batman watches, waits and begins to snipe with remote batarangs.
Spore plant pops up to return fire...and misses...every time...
The fight begins around the central objective.
Bravo gets mind controlled.
Batman and Nightwing arrive in the fight...Ivy leaves.
Freeze and Big Stikka make a break for the end zone.
Perps and plants are no match for vigilantes.
Out of ammo, Spore Plant gets pruned.
Deadsho...erm, Batman snipes Big Stikka in one shot.
Freeze gets to the deployment zone, but Batman stops him grabbing ammo.
This game was like a nightmare re-run of my second game at Nottingham, only this time I was Ivy and Batman wasn't fluffing his attacks. I realised much later that I'd played hypnotise wrongly and should have got a shot at Batman or Nightwing, which might have had an effect. Again, I could/should have sent Ivy with Freeze and Big Stikka, but this might have put her in more danger and cost me 7VPs again. This was another tight game, in which my opponent played well and countered my numbers effectively. I'm not sure I did anything massively wrong and a dice roll here ore there (for example Batman failing to make contact with Freeze on the last turn) would have granted me the two VPs I needed to make it a draw. The final score was 21-14.

Despite losing two games, I hadn't felt like I'd been badly mauled (although Batman had taken out most of my crew) in terms of the VP totals, but I'd not actually taken down an enemy model. Looking back I think that this might be because Ivy herself is best against low WP mooks with her mind control turning them against themselves. In both the first games, I hadn't really managed to get her into combat with henchmen and she's actually quite vulnerable against enemy big hitters like Arrow (if she fails to Dodge), Batman and Nightwing. Personally I think Ivy needs some help to cope with the beatsticks - even Harley Quinn might be useful in this capacity.

Anyway, I'd already planned to switch Ivys (this was allowed) for the next two games, so it was time to see what Arkham Ivy could do...

In other news, the piñata was successfully knocked down and we all got sweets!

Game 3 - Poison Ivy vs Law (Reuben)

Reputation: 300
Scenario: Plunder
Board: Gotham Rogues Stadium

Poison Ivy Crew
Poison Ivy (Arkham)
Mr Freeze
Prisoner 1 (Tube)
Prisoner 2 (Big Stikka)
Prisoner 3 (Axe)
Prisoner 4 (Bodyguard)
Pavilion A Lunatic
Spore Plant
Creeper Plant

Law Crew
Commissioner Gordon
GCPD Detective
Agent Ron
Agent O'Connell
Male Cop
Female Cop

The Detective and Spore Plant eye up the objectives.
Ivy considers the landscaping project ahead of her.
The Detective breaks from cover to try to get to Freeze's primary target loot.
He gets clobbered by the Creeper plant on the way.
Ivy grabs her ammo for early VPs
She uses a Plant to prevent the Cops scoring from Titan.
Catwoman and Freeze make for their target loot tokens.
Prisoners dose up on Titan and wait for the Cops.
Ivy uses her spray attack and mind control to mess with the Cops.
Freeze takes the Detective down again.
More poison and hypnosis. Agent Ron shoots Female Cop.
Catwoman goes after the Spore Plant on the roof of the stadium.
O'Connell and Gordon make short work of the Prisoners.
With so many miniatures on the table, we only actually made it to turn three (there was a lot of setting up to do), but the broad strokes of where the game was headed were clear. Behind the stadium, Gordon and O'Connell had secured their ammo objective and would eventually have got rid of the Tube Prisoner holding my Titan. In the pit, Ivy was making a mess of the Police and the Lunatic holding the ammo was racking up points. In the centre, both Freeze and Catwoman had grabbed their loot, but Freeze had control of the Long Halloween pumpkins, and would have scored more VPs eventually.

The game had effectively divided into three separate battles and I'd was winning two out of three of them. What's more, I think I'd done a good job of using Plants to stop Reuben scoring at the same rate that I was and built up an early lead that he was unlikely to catch up, despite making mincemeat of my Prisoners. The final score was 29-13, and I think the gap would have been roughly similar at the end of the game.

With the pinata down, the next competition for those holding the Long Halloween objective was a Batman themed pumpkin carving competition. Although mine looks fairly traditional, I'd actually done Mr Zsasz scars all over it.

This was won by Andy (who I'd played in my first game), who smashed his pumpkin and put a sign on it saying 'Bane Was Here!' He won a Penguin crew for his 'efforts'.

Game 3 - Poison Ivy vs Law (Simon)

Reputation: 300
Scenario: Plunder
Board: Shipyards

Poison Ivy Crew
Poison Ivy (Arkham)
Mr Freeze
Prisoner 1 (Tube)
Prisoner 2 (Big Stikka)
Prisoner 4 (Bodyguard)
Pavilion A Lunatic
Spore Plant
Creeper Plant

Law Crew
Commissioner Gordon
Agent O'Connell
Male Cop
Female Cop

Prisoners, Cops and Batgirl make a rush for objectives.
Freeze uses a Plant as cover whilst he grabs loot.
He then hits the SWAT team with a freeze grenade, knocking Alpha down.
Ivy poison sprays the police, then hypnotises Female Cop to deny them VP's.
Meanwhile, Gordon and Batgirl fail to gain control of the pumpkins.
The Police in disarray and denied VPs whilst Freeze racks them up.
I think I played this one well. Very well in fact. Although, I think both the nature and the opposition, the scenario and some appalling shooting on Simon's part helped. Plunder suits Ivy, as the plants enable her to restrict the enemy's ability to score in the early rounds and get ahead quickly. Added to this, Ivy had almost free reign to mess with some low WP and low Endurance henchmen, poisoning and hypnotising to her heart's content. In fact, the Law crew's lack of a big hitter means that Ivy's major weakness isn't threatened - I think the Law crew is a good match up for Ivy.

The final score was an eye-watering 55-29. I would have been closer if either Batgirl or Gordon had been able to deal with the Creeper Plant and Lunatic, but poor rolling really ruined his day.

With all the games done, it was worked out that the Law and Order team had won the day, and the overall winner, with four wins was Chris and his Batman crew. He walked away with a copy of 'The Long Halloween' graphic novel, and a Two-Face crew (which was a dubious pleasure, as the leader of the bad guys had used Two Face and lost all of his games).

One of the really nice features of the Animosity events is that Scott, the organiser, tries to ensure that everybody leaves with something, so those who hadn't won a prize during the day were all given a TT Combat Terrain MDF kit. I got some rooftop scenery, which will add interest to my table.

It was an excellent, if looooong, day and I'd highly recommend taking part in Animosity events. Most of their days are narrative, rather than competitive, and they offer something different from regular tournaments that I personally think the hobby needs. Animosity currently run events in the Games Workshop games, Batman and apparently X-Wing is coming soon. Go to them!

As for my crew, here's what I learned throughout the day:
  • Poison Ivy needs to get stuck into opposing henchmen, and mess with them.
  • She needs to have help dealing with enemy beatsticks. 
  • The plants seem best used stopping you opponent from scoring VP's on their objectives, and the longer that they last in that job, the better off you are.
  • Mr Freeze was a durable as I remember, and if he can get to his loot, he's second only to Catwoman in reliable points (it seems to take him an extra turn to get to the loot), however, he doesn't seem that effective at inflicting damage, and that was something I was lacking.
  • The Prisoners were very weak, and I probably had too many of them. In a 350 rep crew, I'd make sure that I had one of the more durable Prisoners, like Little Spark or High Security Prisoner, simply as in both games against the Law crew, Agent O'Connell and his high Endurance proved an effective counter to my easy to hit chaff.
  • Overall, I like the Ivy crew as she works very differently to the other crews I have.

All in all, an excellent day. Happy Halloween!