Saturday 14 October 2023

Zomtober: Survivors?

Given that I'm now out of zombies...erm...I mean 'walkers' for The Walking Dead and turn my attention to some characters who can only loosely be described as survivors: Tyreese, Julie and Chris.

In the comics, Tyreese, his daughter Julie and her boyfriend Chris meet the main group of survivors on their way out of Atlanta and stay with them...well...for the rest of their lives.

SPOILER ALERT: To put it bluntly, the rest of their lives isn't that long as they've all popped their clogs by the time the group leaves the prison.

I've kept all three models quite simple when it comes to painting due to the fact that they are based on the comic books rather than the TV show and so respond quite well to a simple approach.

Julie's death will not be too much of a surprise for those that read my last blog entry given the fact that it featured a zombie version of her.

She dies when whilst alone with her boyfriend, Chris, he shoots prematurely...

...his gun, he shoots his gun you filthy animals.

It's a suicide pact that goes wrong and after killing Julie, Chris then has to shoot her again when she reanimates.

I found painting Julie awkward as there's not really much to get hold of. The way she's clutching her coat made painting her jumper a bit tricky to and her features lack definition. I prefer her as a zombie.

Chris' doesn't last long after the double murder of his girlfriend. Tyreese had never liked the arrogant young man and when he kills Julie twice, Tyreese snaps and strangles Chris to death.

I like this miniature as it has character. The glasses offer a clear difference with most of the other characters and I like the detail that he's still wearing a tie after the world has ended.

Unfortunately, I don't get to paint him twice as there isn't a zombie version of Chris. This is because after being strangled to death, the zombified version of him is brutally mutilated by Tyreese before it can get up and then burned.

Tyreese is a much more significant character and becomes one of the leaders of the survivor group and close friend of Rick. Unfortunately he is beheaded by the Governor's men just before their attack on the prison.

The model seems a bit weirdly bulked out but this is because Tyreese is an ex-NFL Linebacker and is wearing his pads under his coat.

In the TV show Tyreese, who arrives with his sister rather than his daughter, lasts significantly longer than his comic counterpart. However, Tyreese's bravery and capability were significantly downplayed and he was part of the much criticised  one-in-one-out approach the show seemed to have to black male characters.

With Tyreese's group added to my list of short term survivors, I'm going to turn my attention to the next group of soon-to-be-walkers Rick meets, the Greene family.

Acquired: 83
Painted: 241
Lead Mountain: 444


  1. Great renditions of all three characters, I did like Tyresse in the series, but was a shame when he passed away saving another character, which happens far too often in the series.

    1. Thanks. The thing I found weird about him in the show is that all his coolest moment happened off screen.

  2. Nicely done Kieron, are you mostly using speed paints for the clothes?

    1. A mixture between contrast and washes over a lighter base with some limited highlighting.

  3. I'm not as familiar with the franchise as you are, but isn't the point of gaming to see if you can change the "official" outcomes :-) ? Either way, nice models.

    1. To some extent. The game has scenarios in which you can form into a campaign and a separate survival campaign mode. I ran the first book of scenarios and made it through with many of the same outcomes. I think I had one background character survive in place of the other.
