Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Big Fat Review Of The Year

I first set wargaming New Year's resolutions in 2013 and it has become probably the most consistent feature of this blog.

So I see no reason to stop this year. However, I am going to endeavour to be a bit more concise this year.

Let's start, as is tradition, by having a look at how I did with last year's targets:

1. Decrease The Lead Mountain - Success

As ever I set my first goal as ploughing through the backlog, and this has been a resounding success. I began the year with 890 models in the pile and finished with 641. Get in!

2. Play More Narrative Games - Success

In the last year I have:

  • Finished of the Lurkers from the Deep feature pack for 7TV (and started Vlad's Army);
  • Taken the Fellowship from Lothlorien to failure in the Dead Marshes in the Quest of the Ringbearer;
  • Continued Hawk the Slayer's adventures in Five Leagues from the Borderlands;
  • Got two gangs involved in scuffles in Necromunda;
  • Played through a tutorial campaign in Fallout Wasteland Warfare.
  • Played through a tutorial campaign for Judge Dredd: I am the Law!
3. The Tale of Four Armies - Success

I set out to finish and tidy up my Vampire Counts, Bretonnians and Wood Elves (these need rebasing as well) and paint up 1000 points of Skaven for use in Warhammer: The Old World.

I was successful in most of this but actually only painted 500 points of Skaven for Age of Sigmar. However, I did paint 1000 points of Astral Claws for the Badab War in 40k, so that's four and a half armies.

I think I have been surprisingly successful in 2024. Let's carry this positive energy forward into 2025:

1. Decrease the Lead Mountain

Same old, same old. Paint more than I acquire.

Over time this has become less about guilt and making space and more about getting some very old models painted that deserve better than sitting in a cupboard.

2. Get Out More

I've become quite insular in recent times, making me reliant on my regular gaming group for almost all of my games. I can't expect them to always be enthusiastic as I jump about between different systems. I've also, in the past, made some very good friends by getting out of my comfort zone and going to events.

Therefore I'm going to get back to going to events and spreading my gaming net a little wider. I've already signed up for a 40k event in February and I will look at events for other systems I'd like to play more.

3. The Path of Damnation

I have a good number of very old metal Chaos models in the Lead Mountain. Therefore I'm going to create a Chaos army which evokes the more creative style found in the Realms of Chaos books that I reacquired for my birthday.

I'm hoping that this commitment will not only help to work through the Lead Mountain, but stretch my painting and conversion skills. The aim here is more to create something I'm proud of rather than just get models on the table.

So there we have it. 2024 has been a good one for me on the gaming and painting front, and I'm hoping 2025 will be even better.

Happy New Year!

Friday, 27 December 2024

Fallout From Christmas

No, this post isn't about arguing with relatives. It's about me revisiting Fallout Wasteland Warfare and busying myself with a few games (well, a campaign) to re-familiarise myself with the game and especially the solo rules.

In order to do this, I revisited the tutorial campaign from the boxed set as it slowly introduced rules and limits the amount of variables involved.

Each scenario has fixed forces and pre-selected equipment (some of which are odd choices) and from game to game the only impact of who won or lost would be narrative.

I'm not going to get too detail as this will already be a fairly chunky post. Also, there are lots of tokens in the pictures, this is because in the solo game you really need the to keep track of what is happening and I didn't want to faff about moving them all the time.

1. Troubled Beginnings 

Having woken up in Vault 111, Nora heads out into the wasteland. Joining a group of Settlers, they come across a group of Super Mutants checking their traps with a dog caught in one of their snares.

Nora decides to act...

Hearing the Settlers approaching, the Super Mutants leave their traps and come charging through the ruins to attack.

Nora takes the opportunity to rush to the aid of the captured dog.

However she is spotted and attacked by a huge Brute armed with a sledgehammer.

She twists away from the hulking creature and runs to free the dog whilst the Settlers lay down a hail of fire that drops on of the Super Mutants.

The dog bares its teeth and leaps snarling for the Super Mutant Brute.

The Settlers gun down the second Super Mutant heading their way and move up to help Nora. However, the dog is knocking flying by the Brute and lies whimpering in a heap.

In a rage, Nora empties her clip into the Brute, ending its miserable life.

The dog survived and joined Nora, who names it Dogmeat. The Settlers lead the lair to their encampment, staying wary now the knew that there were Super Mutants in the area.

2. Fort Davis

Nora decides to stay with the Settlers for a while and joins an expedition to the ruins of Fort Davis to search for a rumoured weapons cache.

However, upon arrival, the group sees the lumbering forms of Super Mutants moving amongst the wreckage.

Nora and Dogmeat try to get closer, but the creatures are alerted and rush to attack Dogmeat.

Meanwhile, Settlers root around amongst the ruins. They turn up a few weapons, but nothing worth dying for. 

Outnumbered and with bullets whipping through the air around him, Dogmeat takes fright and flees.

As the Super Mutants burst towards Nora, she fires off a few parting shots before retreating with the Settlers and their meagre haul.

3. Water Treatment Plant

The few weapons retrieved from Fort Davis had helped a little with providing security in the camp, but there were other concerns, such as a water shortage.

An expedition, included a Free Tech, was launched to head to an old water treatment plant to see in the mechanisms could be repurposed to pump water to the camp.

However, almost as soon as the work had been started, a group of Super Mutants and their pet Hound attacked. Almost as if they had been waiting for the Settlers to be distracted.

Nora, Dogmeat and one of the Settlers tried to hold off the attack, to give the Free Tech time to complete his work.

However, their line was broken and a Hugh Brute charged the Free Tech.

Meanwhile, one of the Settlers had located the ancient generator controls, and managed to get it working.

Managing to slip away from his attacker, the Free Tech made the final alterations that would ensure that the encampment would be provided with enough water to not only survive, but flourish.

With the job finished, and embattled Nora broke free and retreated with the rest of the Settlers.

4. The Lost Journal

Returning to camp, the group learn that an injured member of the Brotherhood of Steel, Aspirant Goddard, had been taken in after searching for information on a compound that would reverse the effects of the F.E.V. and destroy the Super Mutants.

Realising that this could ensure the settlement:s safety, Nora dons the man's power armour and leads a party to the junkyard to locate the safe containing the lost journal.

The only problem: the junkyard is Super Mutant territory.

Realising they needed to move quickly before more Super Mutants arrived, the party split up to search for the safe and its keys.

Nora, clomping along in her T-60 Power Armour, located one set of keys and also sought to draw the attention of the Super Mutants.

However, the creatures seemed to know what the intruders were after (perhaps because the last person to wear that armour had been after the same thing) and when one of the Settlers located the safe hidden in a Phoenix Fizz machine, all she could do was shout its location to Nora before she was cut down in an ambush.

Meanwhile, the search for the keys continued to no avail. Nora was growing frustrated, but another issue also buzzed round her head.

Where was Dogmeat? Was he glitching and stuck on a rock again?

As Nora prepared to try to burst through the gathered Super Mutants, she suddenly heard a barking.

Dogmeat ran up with a set of keys in his mouth, dropped them in front of Nora and then leapt at one of the Super Mutants.

This gave Nora the space she needed and she shouldered her way through to the safe, retrieving the journal just as more Super Mutants appeared at the edge of the junkyard and thunder could be heard in the distance.

There was a storm coming. It was time to get under cover.

5. The Coming Storm

The journal was revealed to be worthless, but Aspirant Goddard was grateful for the help and offered his assistance to the Settlers.

A huge rad-storm was on the horizon and the group had decided to move their encampment to some nearby caves to wait it out.

Nora, Goddard and a few others would go on ahead to clear the caves of any threats before the rest of the caravan arrived.

The Settlers made directly for the caves, staying together. The storm had begun and there were fell noises on the air.

A group of Super Mutants had clearly had the same idea and were making for the very same caves. However, upon seeing the Settlers, several of the creatures snarled in fury and made directly for them.

However, the attack was interrupted by a ravenous Deathclaw leaping to attack the Mutant Hounds.

Super Mutants don't run from a fight, even against such a fearsome beast, the pack master and his hounds sought to bring down the Deathclaw.

Meanwhile, the Settlers took advantage of this distraction to make directly for the caves, exchanging sporadic fire with those Super Mutants that had managed to get ahead of them.

One Super Mutant leapt in amongst them, striking down Dogmeat but taking heavy damage from an enraged Aspirant Goddard.

Meanwhile, the pack master and Hounds struggled to subdued the Deathclaw, which equally was making heavy weather of them.

One of the Super Mutants, seeing its compatriot surrounded, a Deathclaw on the loose and a storm about to hit in full force, assessed the situation, decided to leave everyone else to their fate and ran into the caves.

The Super Mutant that had slain Dogmeat was brought down and Nora and another Settler headed into the caves to deal with the one that had gone inside.

Meanwhile, the Deathclaw finally got the upper hand (with a little help from a lightning strike), ripping aport the two Hounds and hurling the pack master into a heap.

The Super Mutant lay there groaning as the terrifying beast closed in on him.

Aspirant Goddard faced the last member of the Super Mutant gang, an Enslaved Tech. He offered the man a chance to join the Settlers, or even come to work for the Brotherhood.

With his captors dead, the man eagerly agreed and he was welcomed into the group. The rest of the settlement arrived just in time to avoid the storm which Nora watched from the cave mouth, musing on the death of Dogmeat.

Fortunately she knew that, once the storm had passed, she could head up into the hills near Vault 111 and find another dog without any problems. She had no idea why this was the way the world worked now, it just did.


All in all I've really enjoyed playing through the campaign and I'm going to play some more linked games of Fallout Wasteland Warfare, either another pre-written campaign or having a go at Settlement Mode. I'm not sure which.

There were a couple of issues which probably stem from the tutorial games not specifically being written with solo play in mind. Sometimes the objectives in the scenarios were unclear and quite hard for A.I. controlled Super Mutants to achieve. Also, some of the weapon loadouts made no sense for the Super Mutants (e.g. the Brute never makes ranged attacked under A.I. control, but was given a plasma rifle in the last scenario). These are issues I need to consider if I start designing my own forces.


Other than playing a LOT of Fallout Wasteland Warfare over the past few days, I also, predictably was given a few wargaming bits and pieces for Christmas.

Not too much, but enough to keep me happy;

  • A Mumakil for MESBG (including 13 Haradrim);
  • 5 Foreign Delegates for my Carnevale Patricians;
  • 2 Lesser Ugdru for my Carnevale Rashaar!
  • A book of fantasy backgrounds by John Hodgson;
  • A wet palette (finally).
I still have a massive Lead Mountain to work through, so not adding too much to it is healthy. I am very keen to get my teeth into the Mumakil, mainly because the post title writes itself.

I think there might be another post before the weekend, but I've also got my review of the year to come.

Acquired: -37
Painted: 396
Lead Mountain: 641

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

O Holy Knight

With my version of Venice in the grip of criminal guilds, debauched nobility, aquatic eldritch monstrosities and undead fiends, here to put the religion back into Christmas, whether you want it or not, are an Avignon Guard and his Reliquary Page.

Amongst the list of unpleasant factions at war in Carnevale, the zealous and unforgiving Vatican forces are not only presented as unwelcome invaders and thoroughly corrupt, they also seem to be ultimately responsible for the whole mess.

These new additions to my nascent Vatican forces are not official TTCombat miniatures, but as I've said previously, despite having a really nice miniatures range that isn't overly expensive (certainly when compared to Games Workshop or Modiphius), it's a really easy game to proxy, with the most difficult aspect being matching the more true scale proportions of the models, rather than getting models that look right.

My interpretation of the Avignon Guard bypasses the true scale issues by covering up all his features and being somewhat larger than most people.

It's fairly easy to spot that that the base model for this kitbash was a push-fit Stormcast Eternal from Age of Sigmar I had knocking around. I simply filed down the shield and shoulder guards, gave him a Bretonnian helmet and swapped his spear for a greatsword from a Frostgrave sprue (the sword handle is still the spear haft) and popped him on an appropriate base.

I'm leaning into purple and white as my faction colours for the Vatican, and so the shield and scabbard brought some vibrance to what is essentially a simple undercoat and wash.

It's interesting how much I like this miniature once the obviously Stormcast elements were removed, and we're I ever tempted to paint a Stormcast army, I'd probably perform head swaps on the whole force. Not sure I'd bother with smoothing all their shields down though.

The Reliquary Page is a young boy in the service of the church who is carrying holy relics which serve to motivate other Vatican troops and provide in game bonuses.

It says a lot about the church in this setting that they are happy to send unarmed (the hatchet is for chopping wood) and children into dangerous situations with nothing to protect them, and their skilled warriors are wreathed head to foot in armour - mind you, they've sent fully armoured knights to a city full of canals, so I'm not sure they've really thought any of this through.

The model I used is an old metal figure, which needed its pudding base carefully removed, with a couple of plastic accessories added to his back to represent the relics.

I kept the painting simple as I wanted to convey the fact that this boy is a merely lowly servant of the church who is exposed to extreme danger and has to spend every waking hour in the company of Catholic priests.

I'm not sure he's having the happiest of childhoods.

I was initially concerned that the rather chunky Avignon Guard might look too big, but put next to the rather tall Inquisitor and Executioner, he fits in well.

If anything, the Reliquary Page is too small, but I can explain that away by him just being small for his age, probably because he's underfed.

Combined with the 25mm scale of the Talisman Inquisitor giving the impression that he's also an adolescent, this group is now suggesting that all of these characters have spent their entire lives in the service of the church.

The eagle-eyed amongst you with very good memories might also have noticed that I've brightened up the paving slabs beneath the feet of the whole gang.

I've done this because I wanted to give them something more than flashes of purple to tie them together, but it also suggests the perceived purity of their corrupt institution. I did something similar with the Patricians with more varied colours and really liked the effect it brought to the whole group.

All that remains is to say Happy Christmas to both of my readers, I hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow and Santa thinks you've been good enough to deserve lots of toys.

For me, I do know about one thing I'm getting which is hobby related, but anything else will be a nice surprise.

Acquired: -58
Painted: 396
Lead Mountain: 620

Disclaimer - All views expressed about the Vatican and the Catholic church expressed in this post are definitely just about the fictional version of both presented in the Carnevale tabletop game setting and bear no relation to any real world organisations...no matter how similar they are in name or actions, both historically or in the present day.