However, I’d neglected to notice that kitbashing my own corvettes would leave me short of Frigate bases, so this isn’t quite the celebration I’d hoped.
However, I have done these guys...
Four more cruisers and four more frigates to add some flexibility and choice to me fleet building and allow me to not just take what I have.
Let’s have a look at what’s been added.
A Chimera troop ship. I’ve already got one of these, but this game is won by grabbing objectives on the ground or in space. Gargoyle strike carriers are fast and effective, but they need the protection of being in atmosphere if I want them to last longer. However, in games with space stations, this protection is removed and this will be where the Chimeras come in, with enough armour to survive at least a couple of rounds and disembark enough troops to win the day.
A Hydra fleet carrier. I also have one of these, but it’s proved itself so good that I decided to get another one. The Hydra carries extremely powerful bombers (which are arguably better than those possessed by the other factions) and grant me some much needed ranged threat.
Two Yokai light cruisers. I’ve done two of these because light cruisers have to come in twos. They are less durable than the other cruisers in my fleet, but faster and cheaper, in fact, they’re are as fast as most frigates and the two of these cost about the same as my Basilisk battlecruiser, lending a lot of firepower to the fleet.
The trick will be learning when to unleash them.

Four Scylla frigates. These are unusual ships which possess the ability to fire upwards from atmosphere without penalty. I can imaging them at their best when lurking below a space station, blowing up enemy carriers as the seek to land their troops.
Four Scylla frigates. These are unusual ships which possess the ability to fire upwards from atmosphere without penalty. I can imaging them at their best when lurking below a space station, blowing up enemy carriers as the seek to land their troops.
Also, as they’re called Scylla, I fully intend to sing ‘Surprise Surprise’ every time they shoot.
My intention when backing the Kickstarter campaign was to get enough ships in one go to ensure that I didn’t need to buy more. Building my own corvettes was part of this plan.
However, not only have I not finished my ships, I’ve also spent money on something else. A very big something else. Watch this space...
Very nice work on those, love the colours. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, they get a bit iffy up close, but they’re fine for the tabletop.
DeleteWhat fabulous looking ships, so organic and a great paint job.
ReplyDeleteThanks. The Hawk Wargames stuff is really well designed as a whole range.
DeleteGreat looking additions and a magnificent shot of the fleet as a whole.
DeleteWow... I don't think I've seen those vessels before, and you've done a great job of painting them, Kieron. They look very fluid, fast-flowing and wriggly imho. Marvellous stuff :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks. The game has disappeared from shelves for a bit as Hawk Wargames were in trouble, but they’re returning now the company has been bought by TT Combat.
DeleteThat's a great looking color scheme. The muted greens and purples go so, so well together. Nicely done!