Saturday 12 August 2023

We Are Legion

It's possible you might be wondering why I've not been posting recently. It's a combination of being busy at work, going on holiday and having the slowest approach to painting Space Marines to a fairly average standard known to man.

Anyway, I've painted some more Space Marines.

I'm not going to go into my method because it's the same method I've used all the other times. There is genuinely nothing of note in this batch.

The reason for this is that these ten chaps are being added to one of my existing Tactical Squads for my Horus Heresy force (the unit I'm not putting in a Rhino) with the intent that more bodies makes it more likely they'll survive the slow trudge across the battlefield.

This finally takes my army to 2000 points, however, the standard game size is meant to be 3000 (does anybody else think Games Workshop might be trying to get me to spend money?) And so there's plenty more to do.

I still have 10 more Mark VI Tactical Marines to make use of, but after that I think I'll invest in something a bit bigger to eat up the points faster.

I'm aware this has been a short post, there's just not much to say about the laborious monotony of painting even more Blood Angels.

Acquired: 81
Painted: 209
Lead Mountain: 473


  1. I think you might have a point about Games Workshop trying to get you to spend more money... They do look good though!

    1. Having been playing 2nd edition recently it's amazing how much bigger games have got at the 'standard' level.
