Sunday, 16 March 2025

Easy Riders?

Since the Badab War event at Warhammer World in February, I haven't done much with my Astral Claws.

Partly this was to do with focussing on other projects, but mainly it was to do with the series of mishaps an missteps which occured as I tried to put together this little lot.

These are Iron Hunters, Astral Claws bikers and one of the only fast moving of Assault troops that feature in the Tyrant's Legion army list.

I had two bikers already that came with a lot I bought that included a Dreadnought and a Land Speeder (both of which I've painted up previously). Unfortunately, this does not constitute a unit under 10th edition rules and one but was missing a bolter.

Therefore, I popped onto eBay and bid for a lot of five bikes. I've never had too much trouble with eBay purchases and so a quick glance at the (looking back, suspiciously poor) image told me that I should be able to put together a unit of six bikes with a bit of work.

I was wrong.

When they arrived I discovered that they were an absolute mess. They had been assembled so poorly that I can only imagine it was done on purpose.

The screens for the handlebars were glued almost flat to the front wheels, some bolters were back to front, others were just normal bolters (complete with handles) stuck on top, one wheel had be assembled with half of it inside out.

Then there was the paint, which was called on so thick that entire helmets had been smoothed over.

I set about trying to salvage what I could, but they had also been put together with gallons of poly-cement, which meant nothing was shifting without a struggle, and try as I might (with Biostrip and Dettol), I couldn't clear clumps of paint.

The one bright point was discovering that hidden within the mess were three metal biker bodies: a sergeant with a Power Sword, a Marine with a Meltagun and a Marine with a Plasma Gun.

Ultimately, I was able to salvage just a single bike from the mess and replace the rider of one I already had with the Sergeant. Even then, the Meltagun guy's bike is really chewed up in places.

I've managed to get it good enough for tabletop use and so I now have a, smaller than planned, unit of Iron Hunters to harass my enemy's flanks, something the Powersword, Meltagun and jazzy banner (Chaos Icon) will help with.

This was a frustrating process as the rest of the sludge encrusted crap had to go in the bin. I will add another three bikes (including a Plasma Gun) to this unit, but I need a break from them and to find some I can assemble myself.

Whilst I was doing all this, I took the opportunity to make a couple of adjustments to some models I'd already painted.

My Aspiring Champion's base needed finishing and one of the Terminators needed to not have a Power Fist, because I already have three and Chaos doesn't like uniformity. I've also decided that all power weapons in the army will be done with Nihilakh Oxide over white, so both models got that treatment.

The Lightning Claw came from the Mark VI Marine sprues from the Horus Heresy, and it was a simple enough kitbash to do that I'm now tempted to use one of my spare Space Hulk Terminators to cobble together my own version of Lugft Huron.

Putting together the Iron Hunters means that I've now reached a bit of a milestone in my Badab War project as I can now field a 1000 point army of Astral Claws.

Admittedly, due to the bikes debacle, I'm having to put some Goliaths in as the Renegade Marauders (Cultists) that were drafted in by Huron as a desperate measure (seems appropriate), but it is a fully playable army:

  • Corpsetaker Apothecary (Dark Apostle)
  • 5 Tyrant's Shield (Chaos Terminators)
  • 10 Legion Cohort (Chaos Legionaries)
  • 10 Legion Cohort (Chaos Legionaries)
  • 10 Renegade Marauders (Cultist Mob)
  • 5 Devastator Marines (Havocs)
  • 3 Iron Hunters (Chaos Bikers)
  • 1 Dreadnought (Hellbrute)

As I said, I'm tempted to put Lugft Huron together, but I'm also considering bringing in some heavy Support vehicles. However, I am trying to limit cost on this project, so I may just continue to add some really crappy infantry and use the Space Hulk Terminators to make a second unit.

We'll have to see.

Acquired: 82
Painted: 55
Lead Mountain: 520

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain on your Ebay purchase, as I've had similar experience in the past, although I went with the scraping with a blade to remove the paint ! LOL What you've created though looks good, and the extra damage looks like battle damage, so not too noticeable. Look forward to seeing how you move forward with the army.
