Friday 3 July 2020

The T is for Transformer

A slight change of pace from Pulp City, I've painted a Soviet T-26a tank ready for my first (socially distanced) game of Bolt Action in three months.

As ever Russian tanks are a doddle to paint because the Soviet Union conveniently did nothing fancy with their paintwork during WW2.

The tank is from Rubicon and the kit has about ten options for the specific model of T-26. This one is the first type (hence the 'a'), with two turrets armed with an MMG each, an arrangement that would quickly find itself obsolete in the early years of the war.

However, this is not a massive problem because although the kit is designed for you to build a single T-26 model, with some careful planning (and a little bit of cardboard for a hatch) you can also field the same hull with a different turret arrangement as an OT-26 flamethrower tank.

Despite the thin armour and propensity to explode, the OT-26 has more uses in layer war games, as it not only does something the rest of my Soviet tanks don't, it also will be more specifically suited to clearing urban areas of tenacious german defenders.

Additionally, it is also possible to switch the turret out again to field the T-26b, armed with a light anti-tank gun. This isn't going to stop a Panther, but it might give some Japanese tanks (which have suddenly trundle over the horizon) pause for thought.

On the subject of the Japanese, my new T-26 (the specific model I'lluse is currentlya military secret) will be taking the field against them this weekend as Matt and I battle over barren landscape of Khalkin Gol, pitting my conscripted Soviet hordes against his shiny new veteran Japanese.

Despite being able to use it as three different tanks, the T-26 only counts as one model painted, but I've not bought anything new recently. However, I might possibly have started a brand new army...

Acquired: 217
Painted: 203

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