Sunday 5 November 2023

Fallout of Favour

I haven't played Fallout: Wasteland Warfare for a while, not really since I almost finished painting the contents of the starter set. I suspect that the reason I didn't finish things off was due to me not playing.

Therefore, with only a couple of miniatures to paint, and seeing as I'm on a run of finishing things off, it seemed like an easy win to get this project wrapped up.

Why haven't I played it?

There's no real problem with the game, which I like, is interesting and different to other skirmish games, contains solo and co-op modes and has a pre-existing narrative campaigns.

It seems right up my street.

However, I think the major issue is I've never played the actual Fallout games and so unlike a lot of my side projects, there's no nostalgia hit to drive me. On top of this I've once again not managed to coax anybody else to buy into the game despite them having an interest and enjoying the test games.

Which leaves me with a motivation vacuum.

Until now.

The Zeta Alien is the last miniature from the rather excellent value starter set that I got for an offensively low price on Black Friday a couple of years ago.

He's technically a bonus miniature and as such doesn't feature in any of the intro games or match up well with the other contents of the box in terms of factions, which is the reason why he didn't get done.

When it came to painting I relied on contrast paints, Apothecary White and Fleshtearers Red.

The details on the model were shallow and so I used a white base to make the contrast more contrasty.

As there is currently only a single Zeta Alien miniature in the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare range my little green man looked a bit lonely.

Fortunately I've had this excellent miniature from Crooked Dice lying about for some time in need of a project to join.

Painting this was incredibly simple, more so than the official miniature. Partly this was because of the lack of extraneous bits on the model, but it was also because the metal sculpt is just much more defined.

They look similar enough to work together and begin to open up the possibility of fielding them as adversaries to the Lone Survivor in a scenario.

They also work in 7TV.

I should get a t-shirt with that phrase on.

Finally we have these two 'Phoenix Fizx' vending machines from TTCombat which are clearly more than an homage to the Nuka Cola machines that dot the post-apocalyptic landscape of Fallout.

For these IP-infringment-avoiding miniatures, I decided to use the colours of a certain rival brand of the inspiration for the red Nuka Cola machines.

The miniatures themselves are really nicely detailed and come with separate doors and a choice of removable backs. I've no idea why there's a number 3 taped to the machine, I assume it's a reference to the games.

I'm really pleased with how I've grimed these up to give a post-apocalyptic vibe. I started with bright colours, washed them in Agrax Earthshade (the flat areas have ended up streaky and dirty looking), then slapped some Typhus Corrosion technical paint around the base and in other recesses. Finally I used a sponge to add chipping across the model.

I've never really got on with the post-apocalypse look in painting terrain before, but I think the key is to start with bright colours and work it back to work and grubby so the stark contrast of how things once were comes through the model.

I'll be doing more of this.

So will I play more Fallout: Wasteland Warfare?


The obstacle to expanding my collection is that the official miniatures from Modiphius are really quite expensive for a game I don't play regularly. Their proportions are also more true scale and so they don't fit massively well with proxies.

Nevertheless, even if I don't get more, there is plenty in the box to provide for any games I choose to play.

Acquired: 90*
Painted: 263
Lead Mountain: 428*

* So, a thing has happened. 

An old friend of mine (who got out of tabletop gaming some time ago) got in touch that he had some miniatures I might want to use. Being me, my ears pricked up at this kind offer and I went to visit to have a look.


There was loads! Two full WFB armies, numerous beginnings of armies, half a dozen metal Bloodbowl teams, Necromunda gangs and terrain, an almost complete (only the buildings missing) WFB 5th edition starter box, even some untouched paint sets.

Also in there was a bunch of stuff I'd left with him and another friend when I moved out of London - my Gorkamorka gang, Bloodbowl teams, Necromunda Ratskins, Space Hulk, numerous ancient bits and pieces.

He also had no idea of value, but not being a total arse, I informed him that this probably wasn't stuff he should just pass on and so I'm in the process of working out what I'm keeping (mainly the things that were originally mine) and selling the rest on his behalf, therefore my tallies are going to be in flux whilst I get things sorted.

However, I don't think I'll be conquering the Lead Mountain this year...

1 comment:

  1. It can be very hard to keep up momentum, without others being interested, but these look excellent, and hopefully the fully painted set will encourage others to join in.
