Sunday 28 July 2024


To help inspire me to get my Kitbash Games Glory Guard miniatures painted up as Freedom Force, I've actually been playing through the original game from 2002.

Despite being a little buggy initially, I've made it through the initial quests dealing with Nuclear Winter, battled dinosaurs in the streets and things have got a bit buggy again as I am dealing with an infestation of Giant Ants led by the diminutive figure of The Ant.

Having played the game before, I'm fully aware that whilst initially appearing as an ant-agonist, The Ant is a hero at heart and has been mind-controlled by a villain called The Shadow, who I painted last year.

Pleasingly, getting both The Ant and The Shadow painted means that I can feasibly use this combination, along with Darkman and Giant Ants to create a recently large villainous cast to oppose the rest of the team.

The Ant is a character which seems to combine the major beats of both Ant-Man (shrinking and ant-control) and Spider-Man (awkward nerdy teenager, wall-crawling), and this is fairly evident in the costume.

The Kitbash Games sculpt of Microbug is different enough from the Ant, but is close enough to make painting easy and obvious.

I did an undercoat of Grey Seer and then a base coat of Fleshtearer's Red contrast paint. I picked out the brown parts of the costume in Mournfang Brown and then washed the whole model in Agrax Earthshade.

I later highlighted in Mournfang Brown and Mephiston Red before picking out the belt in black and the goggles in silver before doing the lenses white and giving them a was of Cassandora Yellow.

One nice touch from Kitbash Games is that Microbug comes with an additional smaller version for when he has shrunk in games.

I'm not sure how relevant this will be in 7TV, other than for aesthetics, but in Pulp City (which Microbug has rules for) exchanging models for shape and size changers is a well-defined mechanic.

I still have several more heroes to go, but I might wait until they show up in the game before getting them done.

Acquired: -83
Painted: 298
Lead Mountain: 672


  1. Both small and large version look excellent, and tie across nicely, which isn't easy to do in different scales.

  2. Another classic Freedom Force related posting. I wasn't aware of this fig/s in the Kitbash Games range. But will add them to my shopping list for the next time I visit their webstore.

    1. The range keeps growing, and my wallet feels it.
