Tuesday 17 July 2018

Into the Unkown...

You know what this year needs?

Another new project!

This time I'm off into the world of pulp adventures, specifically Lost World type settings - jungles, dinosaurs, ancient treasures, inexplicably attractive cave women, you get the idea.

The prompts for this are threefold. Firstly, I like the genre, ‘Warlords of Atlantis’ was one of my favourite films when I was younger (narrowly edged out by ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Battle Beyond the Stars’), and I’m incredibly nostalgic about it. Secondly, Crooked Dice are planning to release a pulp expansion for 7TV at some point next year and I’m a sucker for their product. Finally, they’ve also released a miniature that has more than a passing resemblance to Doug McClure, you may remember him from films such as ‘At the Earth’s Core’ and ‘The Land that Time Forgot’, and I needed a reason to buy him. And so a new project was born.

My first offerings for this setting are two miniatures from Lucid Eye’s Savage Core game which I picked up some time ago with one of those handy vouchers Warlord Games send me from time to time because I don’t buy enough from them.

Both have actually been almost fully painted for a few months but as I’m sure my loyal readers are aware by now, my focus does wander somewhat.

The explorer is a characterful model I’m currently referring to in my head as ‘Indiana Jane’. I see her as an archaeologist, tomb raider, feisty heiress type who won’t conform to her family’s expectations.

The red hair is part of the feisty persona - yes, this is a stereotype, but it’s also pulp, so what do you expect? The green scarf round the neck was chosen to contrast with the hair.

Overall, I really like her and can see her as one of the central characters in my campaigns.

The jungle lord fits all sorts of archetypes for the genre, from ‘white apes’ like Tarzan to the helpful savages in the Doug McClure films. I’d actually intended to give him black hair, but Leon (Pulp Citizen, Eclectic Gentleman Gamer) suggested that blond hair would allow him to pull double duty as Ka-Zar of the Savage Land in my ongoing Marvel project.

Ever one to embrace a money saving opportunity and get a two for one deal, I changed the hair.

In terms of terrain, I think the jungle terrain I’ve been making for the He-Man project will also work perfectly for pulp adventures, although with the way my ideas balloon, I can imagine boats and temples and even a bloody volcano in my future.

I’d blame Doug McClure...

...but how could I with awesome moment like this to look forward too?


  1. Fabulous work on them both! Pulp Figures have certainly pleasing look to them.

    1. Thanks. I quite like using the varying shades of brown and cream. It’s very different to the technicolour stuff I’ve been doing recently.

  2. Excellent work on your pulp adventurers Kieron. :)

    And Marvellous work in getting your ape-man to do double duty as Lord Kevin Plunder! :)

    1. Thanks for the idea. It helps with another model I’ve got to do.

  3. This looks like a lot of fun! I look forward to more progress!

    1. Thanks, I hope it will be fun. There’s no real limits to it.

  4. Replies
    1. This is partly your fault, I’ve been eyeing your Congo stuff enviously.

  5. Great project, I will be following your progress.

    1. Thanks. I hope I can keep you entertained.

  6. I've always liked this kind of themes and look forward to your progression.
    That's a wonderful start you've made.

    1. Thanks. Pulp has always been on my ‘must get round to’ list.
