Sunday 14 October 2018

Zomtober: Proper Zombies

After last week’s controversy surrounding whether the Nazgul qualify as zombies (hint: they do), I’ve returned to safer groun this week with three zombies from The Walking Dead: All Out War.

I’m now moving on to Wave 2 of the range, which actually feature proportionally less zombies and more new survivors, as the story heads out of Atlanta and culminates at the Greene family farm.

First up is a bike, who appears to have sustained injuries more consistent with coming off his bike rather than being mauled by the undead. Perhaps he crashed as he was fleeing the apocalypse and then was unable to escape pursuit.

The wound on his arm isn’t actually sculpted on the model, but is there to cover an ugly mould line that I somehow didn’t notice until the flesh was painted.

Next up is a chap who has had something rather horrific happen to him whilst at the beach, and has had the flesh torn off half of his body.

What I don’t understand is how he managed to keep flip-flops on his feet whilst his arm was ripped off, when for me, keeping the damn things on my feet whilst simply walking is tricky enough.

Last up is a child zombie. There should be more of these in the genre, especially as almost all survivors we encounter are adults. Where are the children during the apocalypse?

I’ve painted this one to match my Sophia model. Although Sophia doesn’t meet the same fate in the comics as in the TV show, I still like the idea of having her shamble out of Herschel’s barn.

That’s it for this week, but if The Walking Dead has tickled your fancy, it’s at its most affordable from Outpost Miniatures, where I’ve picked up most of my boosters from after my initial Salute binge. Follow the link below...


  1. Very nice Kieron. :)

    Maybe the biker died from his crash injuries and rose again as a Zombie? In TWD you don't have to be bitten do you?

  2. Wow!! Buckets of blood on display for this posting, Kieron, love 'em!! :-)

    1. Cheers. I love the Blood for the Blood God technical paint. Slop it on and it covers a multitude of sins.

  3. Nice job dude. Your blog has loaded a bit weird and a bit basic?

    1. That’s not me. It’s you.

      Are you viewing it through Facebook?

    2. Its fine on my pc. It was strange Leon's loaded fine just before yours.

  4. Cracking stuff Kieron! Is the biker from a booster? I thought that I had all of wave two but I must not because I don't have that figure.

    1. I’m not sure which booster, although I was bought Maggie from the prison in Wave 3 as a gift, so maybe it’s from her booster.

  5. Three very good renditions of excllent miniatures and I normally don't spot mould-lines until after I'm at the painting stage either!

    1. I’m glad to know it’s not just me, and I normally don’t worry too much about them, but this one was massive.

  6. Love them, especially the child zombie. And I agree: Blood for the Blood God is one of the better Citadel Technicals out there, although I'm more partial to Typhus Corrosion.

    1. I’ve not tried that.

      The only other one I’ve used is Agrellan Earth, which is what I do my bases with for Walking Dead. Although I have bought some Hexwraith Flame as I plan to do some ghosts.
