Saturday 12 October 2024


I'm a bit pressed for time this weekend, so I decided to look at getting something painted that wouldn't take much time or effort. Robots usual fit that bill the best, requiring little more than a silver base coat and a wash for most of the model.

With Terminators, Necrons and assorted Space Marine support cleared from the backlog (for now), my best source of robotic quick wins is Fallout.

These are a pair of Robobrains I picked up from the Modiphius stand at the UK Games Expo earlier in the year. I actually got them for free as my purchases passed a threshold (something that's easy to do given the cost of their stuff).

Annoyingly, I don't have a game card for Robobrains and so will have to print one. It's not a major problem, but it will be different from the other profile cards, which will annoy me.

Painting was a doddle, as expected. Silver undercoat, Nuln Oil wash, Black Templar contrast on the arms and treads and Brass Scorpion on a couple of pipes got the first one close to this artwork.

I decided to not try to do any detail on the brain casing as I was aiming for fast and I don't think it would have worked out. Instead I decided to lean into the yellowish fluid more typical of the Fallout 3 version.

The yellow isn't as bright in real life and there is a more patchy nature to it's coverage that doesn't come out in the photos; partly due to the light and partly due to the gloss varnish I've used to evolve the glass dome.

I'm happy enough with them.

I want some variation between the two, as they are the exact same model with the exact same base, and slightly different arm poses didn't do enough to distinguish them.

Therefore I went with a more military look, painting some areas oh the carapace in Vallejo US Dark Green and highlighting with Loren Forest. I got the paint quite thick in places, but this actually serves to give a slightly blistered and weathered look.

A bit more weathering was done with sponged on Leadbelcher, which was added after a transfer lifted from a Bolt Action sheet to provide a serial number.

Modiphius sculpted based are easy to do with a mix of contrast and dry-brushing.

All in all, I'm really happy with them and they add to the number of random threats to be wandering the wasteland when I return to Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, or could even be recruited by Settlers for additional security.

Acquired: -61
Painted: 343
Lead Mountain: 659

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