Sunday 27 October 2024

Freedom Force: In Full Effect

I'm aware that I bounce around my many different projects with little rhyme or reason, often leaving things unfinished only to return to them at a later date when motivation strikes again.

Such is the case with this post where external events (to be discussed later) have brought me back around to my Freedom Force project to (almost) finish off my existing backlog.

The latest surge of miniatures for this project came from a Kitbash Games Supers Unlimited Kickstarter releasing a new team called the Glory Guard, which are heavily influenced by the Freedom Force game and I've chosen to lean into with my painting and modeling choices.

I now only have a single miniature from the Glory Guard Kickstarter to paint: Enigmiss. Unfortunately, the member of Freedom Force that she looks like is Alche-Miss, who I've already converted, so I'm considering alternative uses for her.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. The latest models to get paint on them are a somewhat contrasting affair, and not only because they have largely been done with contrast paints.

We have the monochromatic Tombstone and the eminently more vibrant Quetzalcoatl, both of who are characters which turn up in the time-travelling sequel, Freedom Force Vs the Third Reich.

Quetzalcoatl is a character which plays on the superhero trope of ancient gods bestowing power on a suitable mortal in the manner of Thor (the original comics version) or Shazam. In this case it's an Aztec god who imbues Jonny Azotl with a range of powers appropriate to a giant flying snake.

This model was the most fragile of the set and in fact I managed to snap his ankle whilst cleaning the model. However, it's also probably the most detailed and took the contrast paints and washes really well leaving me really happy with the outcome.

On the other hand, there's Tombstone. The vengeful spirit of a man executed for a crime he didn't commit who no stalks the guilty, bringing them to justice. Deadman meets the Shadow, if you will.

When it came to painting this one I have arguably relied too much on contrast paints and the initial reference picture I used made it clear that his colours are black, grey and silver.

However, the reference material varies and, as you can see, there were options for a more colourful approach. Adding in the fact that the Basilicanum Grey paint has left him looking quite dirty means that overall I'm not very pleased with the outcome.

I think I'm found to revisit him and highlight the black with purple and clean up the grey to see if I can get an outcome I'm happier with.

As the Glory Guard came with stat cards for both Super Mission Force and Pulp City, I can now field a version of Freedom Force in both games along with 7TV, where I've been using custom profiles.

However, it's Pulp City that provided the motivation for me to get back to these two models, and this is the reason...

Kitbash Games are currently running another campaign, Pulp City: Full Effect, this time on Gamefound to fund the first additions to the main Pulp City setting in a long time (this was originally due in 2020, but 'stuff' happened, if you remember). It's also the first time that the rulebook has been available since the company changed hands, so it marks a real relaunch of the game.

The campaign can be found HERE.

I have somehow now amassed five teams and a motley selection of independent heroes for Pulp City, and so I'm looking to pick up any members of Red Republik or the A.R.C. (such as Simian Jones above) that turn up in the campaign, and with more stretch goals (based on both funding and backers) I'm checking back daily to see what else to add.

I'm also toying with the idea of starting another team, Settlers Green, simply as an excuse to buy the somewhat intimidating Tri-Bal model. There are three members of the team currently available in the add-ons section at the bottom of the page with more that have been teased.

Alternatively, there is a brand new team, Discord, available as a multi-buy, new versions of older characters and with Pulp City's mechanic of being able to build teams in multiple different ways, you could just grab the models you like and go from there.

Am I shilling for the company?

Well, yes. Leon is a friend and I'd like to see him get the game back to where it was. Partly because I want him to do well, but also because it's a really good game that I'd like to play more.

Acquired: -61
Painted: 360
Lead Mountain: 652

1 comment:

  1. Like the work on the two new supes, can see what you say about Tombstone, but I think the dirty look actually suits the characte, but at the end of the day, you need to do what makes you happy.
