Saturday 5 October 2024

Nobody expects the tiny Inquisition!

One of the elements that I really like about Carnevale is that even though the miniatures are excellent, the rules are freely available online, allowing you to bring other models you like into the game.

It also shows TTCombat's confidence in their own miniature range, encourages creativity and I think it's an approach other companies could benefit from adopting.

Therefore, whilst perusing my copious backlog, I stumbled on this ancient Inquisitor from the original Talisman board game and immediately thought that I'd like to find him a home amongst my nascent Vatican force.

The model is really simple, and so was my painting of it. The robes are Emperor's Children with a wash of Carroburg Crimson, whilst the hood is simply Grey Seer washed in Nuln Oil and dry brushed white. Everything else is done pretty much how you'd imagine.

At this point I feel I should address the outfit. Obviously, robed and hooded figures like this have certain negative connotations, especially if painted white.

However, outfits like this (specifically the capirote hood) have a longer history linked to the Catholic church and Easter celebrations, especially in Spain where they are still worn today. They were originally placed on people accused of heresy and later adopted as the garb of the confraternities of penitents.

When I originally decided to paint him for Carnevale I had intended for him to be used as a Priest, but upon learning the provenance of the capirote I thought that the Martyr might be a more appropriate profile.

However, when I stood him next to the Inquisitor and Executioner and realising what forty years has done to scale creep, I figured that he might end up as an Altar Boy.

Acquired: -66
Painted: 338
Lead Mountain: 659

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